Designing an entrepreneurial policy making model for sustainable financing of Iran's health system (case study: health system of Kurdistan province)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Policy making and Public administration, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Policy making and Public administration, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



Objective: In today's world, policies play a decisive role in various fields and are not only known as a process for solving social problems; Rather, they are considered a useful tool to create legitimacy and survival of the society. The planning of health. financing policies is a political and complex process; therefore, the present study was carried out with the aim of presenting an entrepreneurial policy model for sustainable financing of Iran's health system.
Method: The present research "In terms of the research philosophy" is of the pragmatist type, in terms of the purpose is practical, is a survey study " in terms of the nature", and in terms of the mixed research method (qualitative-quantitative), it is of the exploratory type. According to the purpose and nature, this research is a mixed (qualitative-quantitative) and exploratory research. The tool for collecting information in this research is a semi-structured interview and a questionnaire. The approach of the qualitative part was thematic analysis, which was done by reviewing texts and interviewing experts and doing coding. The combined method of ISM-DEMATEL was used to level and rank the factors and determine the dimensions, components, and types of variables, as well as examine the relationships between the variables of the model, determine the intensity of the relationships, and identify the influence and effectiveness of the criteria. In order to determine the current state of policy entrepreneurship in terms of model components, a questionnaire was used in the quantitative section.
Results: The results of this study identified 12 factors influencing the design of an entrepreneurial policy model for sustainable financing of Iran's health system in 9 levels and 4 categories, including 1. Linked factors (intelligence, responsibility, effectiveness), 2. Independent factors (transparency, macroeconomic insight, entrepreneurial culture, strategic vision), 3. Autonomous factors (governance and entrepreneurial performance) and 4. Dependent factors (accountability, learning and ethics).
Conclusion: The results of the research show that there is a significant difference between the current and desired conditions in all the examined variables, and in some indicators such as inclusiveness, governance, accountability, efficiency and effectiveness, this gap is greater. Therefore, it is suggested to use entrepreneurial policy components for sustainable financing of the health system. Also, in the current research, based on the findings, the linked variables (intelligence, responsibility, efficiency and effectiveness) have a high power of influence and dependence, therefore, the influence and effectiveness of these parameters is very high and any small change on these variables causes fundamental changes. It is in the system. Also, independent variables (including: transparency, macroeconomic insight, entrepreneurial culture, strategic vision) have high influence power and low dependence, so high influence and low influence are their characteristics. Therefore, it can be concluded that by focusing more on these variables, which are the key variables of the present research, it is possible to achieve positive and productive effects faster in the entrepreneurial policy system for sustainable financing of Iran's health system.


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