Analyzing media entrepreneurship in the context of social networks with a Meta-synthesis approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Media Management, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Communication and Media, irib University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Media Management, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran



Objective: The rise of social networks, which has led to changes in how entrepreneurs carry out their day-to-day activities and Due to the importance of social networks to entrepreneurs and the benefits it offers them; media entrepreneurship is considered as a practical approach whose activities create at least one innovation for the media business market.
Method: The research method is considered applied in terms of the purpose in which a meta-synthetic approach based on documents has been used. The current research is based on the seven-step model of Sandelowski and Barroso in the way of thematic analysis on 85 researches related to the topic in scientific databases Emerald, Wiley, Science Direct, SID, Sage, Google Scholar, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Magiran, Iran.doc and Noormags were checked as a prototype in the period of 2011 to 2022. After screening, 21 studies were selected by purposive sampling and the results were combined using MAXQDA  2020 software.
Results: The meta-synthesis results led to the identification of 11 main categories, 22 concepts and 110 indicators, which are entrepreneurial culture, innovation of new media infrastructures, virtual social capital, competitive and commercial advantage of social platforms, mechanisms for identifying opportunities, legal and legal problems of establishing media entrepreneurship, government policy and resource behavior. Humanity, governance style in social platforms and strengthening audience education and raising their level of awareness along with value co-creation were the core elements of the model.
Conclusion: According to the elements of the model, the current research has presented a coherent framework for media entrepreneurship in the context of social networks; By improving the level of governance in social platforms and creating virtual social capital through trust building and networking in the space of social media and the role of authentic entrepreneurial networks in economic improvement and the production cycle, it is possible to rely on the qualitative and quantitative level of communication infrastructure and technology to considering the bandwidth and speed of the internet and data centers and identifying entrepreneurial opportunities and priorities in the media industry, solving law-legal challenges in obtaining licenses, forming and registering companies, the state of bureaucracy and investment regulations, and in connection with these axes, skill training and the skill training system of the human force engaged in this field, the economic benefits of entrepreneurship in the media industry in generating income and creating wealth, created the necessary alignment with the entrepreneurial culture, the normative system of the society and its localization. These parameters make it possible to co-create value among media entrepreneurship players in the context of social networks by knowing the customers, knowing the competing products, identifying and paying attention to the needs of the market and customers, assessing the needs of the audience and respecting the tastes of the audience.


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