Digital Marketing Drivers for Women Empowered by Relief Committee in Home-Based Businesses

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Business Management, Faculty of Social Science, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran.

2 Department of Business Management, Faculty of Social Science, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran,


Objective: : Home-based businesses serve as vital sources for creating significant employment opportunities. They can contribute to reducing unemployment rates in a region and lead to the development of the local economy. However, for survival and achieving high economic and competitive results, a complete overhaul of development strategies and transitioning to digital activities is required. Digital technologies and the opportunities they create are the main drivers of businesses, gradually changing traditional methods, approaches, and tools in managing organizational activities across various functional domains. Additionally, digital marketing can further enhance the development of these businesses.
Method: The present research adopts a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative elements with a practical goal in mind. The qualitative section utilizes grounded theory, while the quantitative part employs structural equation modeling with a partial least squares approach for data collection and analysis. In the qualitative section, a three-stage coding method, including open, axial, and selective coding, is used for encoding the conducted interviews. The study population includes women under the coverage of the relief committee who have initiated home-based businesses, marketing professors, digital marketing experts, and professionals with over 5 years of experience in marketing companies. Sixteen interviews were conducted in the qualitative phase, reaching theoretical saturation, and 234 participants were selected randomly using simple random sampling and Cochran's formula in the quantitative section. Data collection tools consist of unstructured interviews in the qualitative section and a semi-structured questionnaire in the quantitative section.
Results: According to the results obtained from the qualitative section, the model derived comprises four main components: women's entry into home-based businesses, entrepreneurial empowerment, digital marketing strategies, and entrepreneurial capacity. The core code of entrepreneurial empowerment has a central code of social participation and four primary codes: customer relations, skills and knowledge, dynamic adaptability, and social competence. Furthermore, digital marketing strategies consist of two central codes: digital infrastructure, including software and hardware foundations, and the potential of online advertising. Internal organizational capabilities include digital entrepreneurial skills and digital marketing knowledge. Finally, the core code of entrepreneurial capacity comprises two central codes: laws and regulations, including digital laws and regulations, strengthening distribution channels, and enhancing information technology infrastructure. Government support includes providing financial facilities in the digital realm and government incentives for committee women. According to the results, the core code of entrepreneurial empowerment, with a coefficient of 0.533, digital marketing strategies with two central codes, digital infrastructure (coefficient: 0.398), and entrepreneurial capacity with two central codes, laws and regulations, and government support (coefficient: 0.346), have a direct relationship with women's entry into home-based businesses in the digital marketing space.
Conclusion: Given that women under the coverage of the relief committee are generally without male providers in their households and have lower educational levels, it is essential to empower them to undergo transformation, breaking their dependence on governmental centers such as the relief committee and other social sectors. Therefore, having a social network willing to motivate you can help and provide positive energy. Additionally, management, planning, and business performance monitoring skills are of paramount importance. These skills assist home entrepreneurs in managing their businesses effectively and enable them to create and implement effective digital marketing strategies to attract customers and grow. Overall, these factors can contribute to helping home entrepreneurs develop their businesses in the digital world.


Main Subjects

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