Explaining the Relationship between Social Capital and Social Entrepreneurship: Meta-Analysis of Researches in the Period 2009-2022

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran


Aim: Social entrepreneurship is a process in which community development strategies are proposed and suggestions are made to solve social problems. Social capital is a social asset and reserve that helps social development and improve the business environment through the creation of social entrepreneurship with the components of trust, cohesion, participation, collective belonging and commitment. The main purpose of the research is to study the relationship between social capital and social entrepreneurship through meta-analysis.
Method: The research method is quantitative meta-analysis in the period of 2009 to 2022 with a sample size of 22 research documents and a purposive-non-probability sampling method with compliance with the entry and exit criteria as well as considering the validity and reliability of the research. Specificity of the subject area, specificity of the spatial territory, specificity of the methodological territory, validity of the research, and specificity of the statistical findings in the text of the research document are among the criteria for selecting studies and researches in this research. The results show that social capital in the above 22 studies was able to explain and predict 0/65% of social entrepreneurship changes.
Results: According to research findings, there is a significant relationship between social capital and social entrepreneurship; and its overall effect is equal to 0/65 percent. According to this; the stronger the intensity of social capital in society, the better social entrepreneurship is realized. There is a significant relationship between social trust and social entrepreneurship; and its effect value is equal to 0/48. Accordingly, the greater the social trust in the society, the greater the tendency towards social entrepreneurship. There is a significant relationship between social cohesion and social entrepreneurship; and its value is equal to 0/57. Therefore, the greater the social cohesion in the society, the greater the tendency to social entrepreneurship. There is a significant relationship between social participation and social entrepreneurship; and its effect is equal to 0/50. Therefore, the greater the social participation in the society, the greater the tendency to social entrepreneurship. There is a significant relationship between social commitment and social entrepreneurship; and its effect value is equal to 0/48. According to this; increasing social commitment in the society will increase the tendency towards social entrepreneurship. There is a significant relationship between religious beliefs and social entrepreneurship; and its effect value is equal to 0/38. According to this; the stronger the intensity of religious beliefs in the society, the greater the tendency to social entrepreneurship; and finally, there is a significant relationship between social belonging and social entrepreneurship; and its effect is equal to 0/55. According to this; The higher the level of belonging in the society, the higher the tendency to social entrepreneurship.
Conclusion: According to this; social entrepreneurship can be provided by increasing and strengthening the bases of social capital and its components in the society. Social entrepreneurship creates innovative solutions to solve social problems by helping the social capital, in this way, social capital brings creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation by creating and strengthening trust, interest, and increasing cooperation capacity, social courage and employer culture.


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