Ideation Canvas: An Overview of Existing Canvases and Designing a Problem-Oriented Canvas

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Innovation Management; University of Tehran

2 PhD. Candidate of Public Management (Decision Making and Public Policy), Allameh Tabataba'i university, Tehran, Iran


Ideation canvas is a systematic arrangement of selected concepts side by side that tries to guide the mind of infinite ideators to innovative answers to specific questions. Designing a variety of idea-making forums is one of the measures that has become common in business-oriented events in recent years, and there is less opportunity to create problem-oriented idea-design forums, tailored to social goals. The present study was designed to design a problem-oriented idea-based canvas for social planning, and the main question of the research is what is a problem-oriented idea-canvas and its components? The present study is one of the qualitative researches that has been extracted by analyzing the existing literature of the idea canvas and also holding the focus group, the problem-oriented canvas and its components. In the next step, in order to validate and validate the extracted canvas, a questionnaire was distributed between interns and participants in social events and using one-sample t-test method, participants' opinions about the dimensions and components of the designed idea canvas were analyzed. The proposed ideation canvas is organized in two general sections, superstructure and infrastructure, and in each section, there are 9 sections. In the problem-oriented superstructure, there are requirements for in-depth description of the problem and the method of change appropriate to that problem. The underlying part of the canvas refers to the theoretical foundations that guide the overall structure of an idea and become the main basis of the idea generation process.


نیّری، سعید؛ حجازی، سیدرضا؛ سخدری، کمال (1400). باز بودن در نوآوری فرایند: مرور سیستماتیک ادبیات و ارائه مسیرهای پژوهشی آتی. توسعه کارآفرینی، 14(1)، 158-139.doi: 10.22059/jed.2020.307293.653427.
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