Identifying Components and Measuring Relationships of Student Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Dimensions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Entrepreneurship, Sari Azad University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Mazandaran, Iran

3 Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran


The purpose of this study is to identify the components and measure the relationships between the dimensions of the student entrepreneurship ecosystem at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. This research is mixed-exploratory in terms of the type of applied purpose and in terms of how to collect data. In the qualitative section, the data collection tool was a semi-structured interview with 13 professors and entrepreneurial ecology experts who were selected by the snowball method. In the quantitative section, using the pairwise comparison questionnaire and the DEMATEL method, The dimensions of the student entrepreneurship ecosystem were determined according to the opinions of experts, and the network of relationships was designed in an integrated way and presented in the form of a model that indicates the intensity of the effect of the dimensions on each other. This research was conducted in the summer of 1399 and based on the findings, 74 components in 9 dimensions of support, education and learning, research and technology, events and communities, cultural and social, rules and regulations, policy, financial resources And institutions, networks, and interactions were identified; Also, based on the results obtained from the Demetel method, it was found that 5 dimensions of education and learning, research and technology, policy, laws and regulations and financial resources as effective dimensions or causes and 4 dimensions of support, events and communities, Cultural and social institutions, networks and interactions are known as effective dimensions or effects in the student entrepreneurship ecosystem of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.


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