The narration of members of Social capital in the formation and development of women's entrepreneurial cooperatives (pathology study of women's entrepreneurial cooperatives in Damghan County)

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor and Faculty Member, Department of Social Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Identifying and strengthening social capital in the form of diverse capacities of non-governmental organizations and voluntary memberships increases the level of cooperation of members in social groups and society. Having an acceptable amount of social capital facilitates social actions, so that in times of crisis, social capital can be used as the main source of problem solving and modification of existing processes. The present study, with a practical purpose, deals with the thematic analysis of the narratives of cooperative members about social capital in cooperatives. The results of the data were discussed in ٢٧٥ concept, primary 9 and secondary categories of "institutional marginalization of cooperatives", "reduction of continuous participation among members" and "poor performance of cooperatives". Finally, these categories were placed in the core category of "weak social and institutional interaction of cooperatives." Accordingly, cooperative injuries in the internal and external dimension are due to the weakness of external institutional social interaction, and to eliminate them, it is necessary to provide institutional empowerment and support.


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