Conceptualization of Entrepreneurship Model in Cultural Industries (Case Study: Persian Language and Literature)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 No

2 professor of the faculty of literature and humanities

3 University of Tehran

4 Razi university, Kermanshsh

5 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University


The purpose of this article is to conceptualize the entrepreneurial model in the field of Persian language and literature by producing the content of cultural industries. This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of qualitative-narrative method. The study population is university professors in the fields of Persian literature, entrepreneurship and economics in 1399; In this study, judgmental sampling and snowball sampling methods were used and interviews were continued until the data saturation stage (15 people). Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and analyzed by the method proposed by Eisenhardt (1989). The results showed that entrepreneurship in Persian literature is affected by various factors that in causal conditions (number of unemployed graduates, earning income from the specialty of Persian literature, restrictions on employment, the existence of demand); Intervention conditions (funding, correct attitude of decision makers and policy makers); Underlying conditions (public and private sector support, socio-cultural environment in society, creative education system and intellectual property rights) can be classified and various economic, cultural, social and political consequences can be proposed for it. Finally, suggestions from this content analysis for entrepreneurship in Persian literature with cultural industries are presented.


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