A Comparison Study on Entrepreneurial Competencies of Hybrid Entrepreneurs, Wageworkers and other Entrepreneurs

Document Type : Research Paper


1 department of entrepreneurship,agriculture faculty, Ilam UNIVERSITY, Ilam. Iran

2 Department of Entrepreneurship and Rural Development, Ilam university, Ilam, Iran


There are some people who launch a business while keeping their wage jobs which could be due to economic issues or some affordable opportunities. They are called Hybrid entrepreneurs and play a significant role in economy. This research aimed to find out whether these entrepreneurs are different from other entrepreneurs and wage-workers in terms of entrepreneurial competencies or not? Data were collected using a made questionnaire based on "Entrepreneurship Competency Model" developed by Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education. The statistical samples of this study include 142 full-time entrepreneurs, 138 hybrid entrepreneurs, and 140wage-workers, which were selected through Purposive snowball and random sampling. The results of ANOVA and Scheffe tests showed that while hybrid entrepreneurs had lower level of competency than full-time entrepreneurs in “financial management” and “risk assessment and management”, two subset of "industry-wide technical competencies" set, they have similar levels of competence in all four sets of “personal effectiveness”, "Academic", "Workplace" and "Industry-wide technical" competencies. Hybrid entrepreneurs also have advantages over wage-workers in all four sets of competencies. therefore, training to enhance these competencies can enable these entrepreneurs to transit to full-time entrepreneurship which lead to creation of empowered private firms.


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