The impact of founding team's exploratory behaviors on the progress of start-up process: the moderating role of idea novelty

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Corporate Entrepreneurship department, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Corporate Entrepreneurship department, faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


This research was aimed at identifying the founding team's exploratory skills on the progress of the business creation process. The method of this research was applied in terms of objective with a quantitative approach, survey method, and a closed-ended questionnaire tool from 210 founders in 101 teams of technology-based companies operating in Tehran's science and technology parks, and a hierarchical regression analysis method using Version 25 of SPSS software. The results show that the founder team's questioning and observing skills positively affect the progress of the business creation process. The test of the moderating effect of the idea novelty in the exploratory skills-progress of venture creation process link also suggests that the observatory skills are in particular important for the progress of the business creation when the idea of innovation is low. This provides valuable insights into a better understanding of the venture creation process.


Main Subjects

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