Entrepreneurship education for knowing, doing and being in primary school with integrated approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran

2 M.A.Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran


The purpose of this research is to identify integrated content of entrepreneurship curriculum for sixth grade of elementary school. For this purpose, entrepreneurship is broken down into knowledge, skill, and attitude. Qualitative approach is used for gathering data and statistical population in this survey is curriculum specialist and entrepreneurship and primary education experts who have related studies or experiences. Semi-structured interviews were made with these experts. Open and axial coding by Atlas T software is used for analysing the data. According to research findings, content and activities related to knowing, including familiarity with businesses, the concept of money, literacy, the recognition of new products; doing include: team learning activities, doing financial calculations, offering products, holding markets and entrepreneurial being including interest in entrepreneurial career path has been extracted from elementary courses.


Main Subjects

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