Entrepreneurs' Exit Factors: A Synthesis of Individual-Environmental View

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. in Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Professor,Faculty of Entrepreneurship,University of Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor,Faculty of Entrepreneurship,University of Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study is to identify the drivers of entrepreneurs' exit. Entrepreneurial exit as an integral part of the entrepreneurial process, in recent years, has been reached lots of interest among researchers in this field. This study is applied in terms of purpose and qualitative in terms of data gathering. All the information in this research has been collected through interviews with 22 entrepreneurs in various spheres of industry, services and advanced technologies who had experienced entrepreneurial exits. After interviews, the data were analyzed and evaluated using open coding, , and finally resulted in 13 main categories in the factors affecting the choice of exit strategy in successful entrepreneurial businesses. The analysis of qualitative data indicates that the entrepreneurial spirit, business environment, education and international experiences are from the most important drivers of selecting exit strategies by entrepreneurs.


Main Subjects

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