Investigating the impact of entrepreneurial orientation on internationalization of companies in Glass and Crystal Industry by mediating role of organizational culture

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor , Faculty of Entrepreneurial , University of Tehran

2 M.A. student of Entrepreneurship Management , University of Tehran

3 PHD Student of Entrepreneurship, Qazvin Islamic Azad University


The present study is done with the aim of investigating the impact of entrepreneurial orientation on internationalization by mediating role of organizational culture in active international companies in Glass and Crystal Industry of Iran .This research, in terms of its purpose, is applied and in terms of data collection is a descriptive and correlational research. Statistical population included 107 managers and experts of 9 active companies in the field of Glass and Crystal Industry of Iran. Using simple random sampling and Cochran formula, 66 persons were selected as the sample. The data gathered by questionnaire which its validity was confirmed by experts and its reliability was approved by composite reliability and Cronbach's alpha. For data analysis, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used with partial least squares (PLS) approach and Smart PLS software. The findings of research show that all hypotheses are accepted. The positive impact of entrepreneurial orientation on the internationalization of the companies was confirmed,  and we conclude that 69 percent of the total impact of entrepreneurial orientation on internationalization is determined through indirect mediating variable of organizational culture.


Main Subjects

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