Identifying and categorizing the mentality of entrepreneurs to entrepreneurial marketing by using Q-methodology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty Member of Semnan University

2 semnan


The purpose of this study is to identify and categorize the mentality of entrepreneurs towards entrepreneurial marketing. Q-methodology has been applied as a mixed method in this study. The participants (n=8) were top entrepreneurs of Semnan who were familiar with the topic. Given the appraisal and summarization of concourse, 96 short statements were selected as Q-phrases, and after a survey of experts, 43 Q-samples were chosen. Afterwards, the information was analyzed using factor analysis. Distribution analysis showed that 2 distinct subjective perspectives in entrepreneurial marketing in small & medium sized enterprises were identified by participants which explained 67.491 percent of total variance. These 2 subjective perspectives were called as "Marketing Capabilities" and "Communications". The importance and priority of the identified factors were determined based on subjective perspectives. Finally, guidelines for the use of these factors have been suggested to be effective in entrepreneurial companies' success.


Main Subjects

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