Identifying the Factors of Entrepreneurship Development from the perspective of Iranian entrepreneurs (Case Study: Lived experiences of entrepreneurs invited to Payesh TV program)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD. Student of Entrepreneurship, University of Razi, Kermanshah

2 Assistante Professor Department of Agricultural Extension & Education, Agricultural College, Razi University, Kermanshah

3 Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Extension & Education, Agricultural College, Razi University, Kermanshah


This qualitative study was conducted to identify the factors and barriers of entrepreneurship development from the perspective of Iranian entrepreneurs. In terms of purpose, this study is applied- developmental and it is performed via descriptive phenomenological method. Qualitative content analysis was used to collect the data. The study population comprised of recorded interviews with the entrepreneurs invited to the Payesh TV program –a combined economic program produced and broadcast on Channel 1, IRIB- during 2015. A total number of 21 interviews were selected purposefully and analyzed by qualitative phenomenological research. Data collection process was continued until theoretical data saturation was reached and efficacy threshold of accessibility was obtained. The results of study showed three classes of factors identified from the perspective of the entrepreneurs, including: 1-background factors (role model, prior experience, and individual characteristics), 2- inhibiting factors (financing, socio-cultural, and legal factors) and, 3- empowering factors (opportunity identification and recognition, knowledge and expertise, and access to social networks).


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