Metamorphosis of entrepreneur representation in TV series

Document Type : Research Paper


Realization of Development requires formation of its cultural and social contexts. In this process, Media have crucial role in changing attitudes in favor of development. In fact, the success of development programs largely depends on the image that media construct from "entrepreneur's" key role in this process. Actually, with mediation of television, entrepreneurial ideas have a big chance to seen by general public and be a part of public culture and business. This paper aims to picture the image of entrepreneur who represented in TV series. To achieve this goal, all TV series which produced and broadcasted in 24 years after Iran-Iraq imposed war searched and finally four TV series with entrepreneurial story line selected and analyzed by narrative analysis Method and thematic analysis as a technic. Results showed, entrepreneur in these series depicted with characteristics like, risk-taking, self-reliance, imagination, perseverance, accuracy, creativity, self-esteem and academic education. Entrepreneurs try to change attitudes to promote the use local and potential talents. They are able to manage resources. Findings also indicated that the representation of entrepreneurship in TV series is metamorphosed over time. Entrepreneurship moved from very ambitious large-scale ideas to small-scale projects and entrepreneurship field shifted from agriculture to industry. Also, analysis showed that, the early TV series represent a favorable condition for entrepreneurship but recent series focused on barriers to entrepreneurship in Iran.


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