Study of Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Skills and Competencies with Organizational Entrepreneurship in Middle Managers at IRAN KHODRO COMPANY


. M.A. students of Educational Research, University of Tehran


During the last one hundred years, the organizational and management knowledge have undergone fundamental changes. At the beginning of the 1980s, organizations paid great attention to creativity and innovation. Today, organizations should be creative, so that they would continue to survive: therefore, the best way is to encourage creative people to be entrepreneurs in the organizational structure. The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between entrepreneurial skills and abilities with organizational entrepreneurship. About 132 of Iran khodro middle managers were randomly selected. The data was gathered via questionnaires. For validity the method of Cronbachis Alpha was employed which resulted in 86% and 89% to be consistent with research tools. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between entrepreneurial skills and abilities with organizational entrepreneurship; The degree of organizational entrepreneurship among members varied according to sex, age, education level and service records.
