The Framework for the Development of new Entrepreneurship in Sports: From Idea to Action

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Sports sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran



Objective: Objective: With the ever-evolving landscape of sports and entrepreneurship, the primary goal of this research is to explore the untapped potentials and emerging trends in sports entrepreneurship. This study aims to identify new opportunities for innovation, growth, and community engagement within the sports industry. By examining the challenges and obstacles faced by entrepreneurs in the sports sector, the research seeks to provide insights and actionable solutions to foster success and sustainability in this dynamic field. The overarching purpose is to contribute to the development and enhancement of sports entrepreneurship practices, ultimately leading to a more vibrant and impactful sports business ecosystem.
Method: To achieve the objectives of this research, a comprehensive mixed-methods approach was employed. Qualitative data was collected through in-depth interviews with a diverse group of industry experts, including sports entrepreneurs, sports management professionals, and business leaders in the sports sector. Their perspectives and experiences provided valuable insights into the current landscape of sports entrepreneurship and highlighted key areas for improvement and innovation. Concurrently, quantitative data was gathered through surveys and market research to analyze trends, patterns, and emerging opportunities in sports entrepreneurship. The combination of qualitative and quantitative analyses allowed for a holistic understanding of the challenges and potentials in the sports business environment.
For the qualitative segment, a purposive sampling technique was used to select participants with diverse backgrounds and expertise in the sports industry. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to encourage open and detailed discussions about the participants' experiences, perspectives, and insights into sports entrepreneurship. Thematic analysis was applied to identify recurring themes and patterns in the qualitative data, providing a deeper understanding of the critical issues and opportunities in the field.
In the quantitative analysis, data was collected through surveys distributed to a broad range of stakeholders in the sports industry, including athletes, fans, sponsors, and investors. The survey responses were analyzed using statistical tools and techniques to identify market preferences, emerging trends, and potential areas of growth in sports entrepreneurship. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were utilized to draw meaningful conclusions from the quantitative data and to inform strategic recommendations for enhancing sports entrepreneurship practices.
Results: The research uncovered several key categories for new capacities and methods in sports entrepreneurship, showcasing innovative approaches that can drive growth and foster community engagement. These categories include: (1) Sustainable and eco-friendly sports initiatives: There is a growing trend towards sustainability and environmental consciousness in sports entrepreneurship, with initiatives focusing on reducing carbon footprint, promoting recycling, and supporting eco-friendly practices in sports events and facilities. (2) Digital transformation in sports marketing: The integration of technology and digital platforms has revolutionized sports marketing strategies, allowing for targeted communication, personalized messaging, and enhanced fan engagement. By leveraging data analytics, social media, and online platforms, sports entrepreneurs can reach a wider audience and create unique experiences for fans. (3) Health and wellness services for athletes: With an increased emphasis on athlete well-being and performance, sports entrepreneurship has seen a rise in innovative health and wellness services tailored to athletes' specific needs. From personalized training programs to mental health support, entrepreneurs are focusing on holistic approaches to athlete care and performance enhancement. (4) Community-centric sports initiatives: Entrepreneurship in sports is shifting towards community-focused initiatives that promote inclusivity, diversity, and social impact. By engaging local communities, supporting grassroots sports programs, and fostering partnerships with non-profit organizations, sports entrepreneurs can create meaningful connections and sustainable growth opportunities. (5) Esports and virtual sports: The rise of esports and virtual sports has opened up new avenues for entrepreneurship in the sports industry. With the global popularity of competitive gaming, entrepreneurs are exploring opportunities in esports events, gaming sponsorships, and virtual sports leagues, tapping into the growing market of online gaming enthusiasts. (6) Sports tourism and destination marketing: The intersection of sports and tourism presents exciting prospects for entrepreneurship, with opportunities to capitalize on sports events, sports tourism packages, and destination marketing strategies. Entrepreneurs can leverage the appeal of sports destinations, sports attractions, and sports-themed experiences to attract tourists, generate revenue, and boost local economies. Six categories were identified for obstacles and challenges in the development of capacities and new sports entrepreneurship methods: 1) economic and financial obstacles,2) institutional and political issues,3) weak infrastructure and resources, and 4) cultural and related obstacles. public awareness,5) neglecting talent and skills development, and 6) inappropriate use of local and natural resources. The results of the hierarchical analysis showed that the component of "innovative sports experiences and facilities” is the most important category for developing capacities and new methods of modern sports entrepreneurship. In prioritizing the challenges and obstacles, according to experts, the components of "institutional and political issues" and "economic and financial obstacles” were the most important components of this category.
Conclusion: the research findings highlight the evolving landscape of sports entrepreneurship, showcasing innovative trends, challenges, and opportunities shaping the industry. The identified categories for new capacities and methods in sports entrepreneurship provide a roadmap for entrepreneurs, stakeholders, and policymakers to navigate the competitive and dynamic sports business environment. By embracing sustainability, technology, athlete wellness, community engagement, esports, and sports tourism, entrepreneurs can unlock new potentials for growth, innovation, and social impact in the sports industry. This research serves as a valuable resource for decision-makers seeking to drive positive change, foster collaboration, and create sustainable business models in the ever-expanding realm of sports entrepreneurship


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