Identifying effective factors in accepting digital currency in knowledge-based companies

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department Business Administration, Faculty of International Campus, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

2 Department of management, Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.



Objective: The current research has been conducted with the aim of identifying and investigating the effective factors of digital currency technology adoption in knowledge-based companies of Shiraz. The current research is considered an applied research in terms of its purpose. Considering that the purpose of this research is to provide a model and framework to identify factors affecting the adoption of digital currency technology; Therefore, no specific hypothesis is proposed for this research, but instead of testing the hypothesis, the researcher seeks to find the answers to the research questions as follows.

What dimensions, components and indicators are included in the model of factors influencing the adoption of digital currency technology?
What is the impact of the specified dimensions and factors on the adoption of digital currency technology in knowledge-based companies in Shiraz?

In the new research method, the scope of the research is limited in terms of space, time and subject, so that there is a necessary focus on the subjects and the researcher can reach the desired answer by posing questions. Therefore, in this research, the subject, spatial and temporal scope of the current research are:

Subject area: The current research is thematic in the field of digital marketing management in order to identify and examine the appropriate factors for the adoption of digital currency technology in knowledge-based companies.
Spatial territory: Spatial territory of a research represents the environment of that research and the place where the research is carried out. In the current research, knowledge-based companies located in Science and Technology Park in Shiraz city and other knowledge-based companies in Shiraz city are selected as the spatial territory.
Time domain: it is very important to conduct a research and collect its data in specific and precise time ranges, therefore the time range of this research is divided into two qualitative and quantitative categories, which is the collection of research literature and qualitative data in the second half of 2022 and Quantitative data collection and analysis was done in the first half of 2023.

Method: Considering that this research uses a mixed approach, in the current research, in the qualitative section, through library studies, information is collected about indicators related to the acceptability of digital currency technology using the theories of technology acceptability, and in the section Shortly after designing the research model and model, the model is tested by examining the relationships between the variables. So this research will work with a mixed method. Therefore, the approach of this research is presented in an inductive and comparative form, the analysis method of this research is in the qualitative part of the content analysis using the information obtained from the studies and in the quantitative part, the survey strategy will be used in the knowledge-based companies of Shiraz. This research will be exploratory in the qualitative part and descriptive in the quantitative part, because in the qualitative discussion the researcher is looking for revelation and understanding and in the quantitative part, he is looking for description and explanation. The environment of this research will be in the qualitative part of the library and in the quantitative part of the field. In terms of philosophical foundations, this research is placed in the pragmatism paradigm. In this research, which uses qualitative content analysis, after defining the main question of the research, the researcher looks for the indicators needed for the research, then the indicators are divided into smaller categories in the form of coded categories and the smaller components are displayed in the form of more regular dimensions. According to these steps, first the research problem regarding the necessity or non-obligation of accepting digital currency in knowledge-based companies was determined, and the research question was determined that what dimensions, components and indicators are included in the digital currency technology acceptance model? After that, the research variables were selected based on the previous research literature and then its sampling, which includes articles, books, magazines and other scientific publications regarding the adoption of new technologies, especially digital currency. was selected, and in the next step, coding and categorization were done using related researches that have been done, and finally, the validity and reliability of the model was tested, and in other words, the final model was fitted.
Results: The variables of economic control and economic trust are from the dimensions of economy-related factors, appropriate distribution and access variables, price-related factors, advertising from the dimension of marketing factors and individual trust variables, perceptual factors, attitude and related factors with the health of people, they can influence the acceptance of digital currency technology from an individual and social perspective. And only the variable of subjective norms from the individual and social dimension could not get the acceptable quorum.
Conclusion: Factors related to the economy, effective factors, and individual and social factors each contribute to the adoption of digital currency technology in knowledge-based companies in Shiraz.


Main Subjects

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