تأثیر مهربانی و شوخ‌طبعی مدیران بر جذابیت برند کارفرما با نقش میانجی‌گر کارآفرینی سازمانی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی - کمی


گروه مدیریت، دانشکده علوم اداری و اقتصاد، دانشگاه اصفهان، اصفهان، ایران.


هدف: هدف این پژوهش تعیین تأثیر مهربانی و شوخ­طبعی مدیران بر جذابیت برند کارفرما با نقش میانجی کارآفرینی سازمانی در دانشگاه­های خصوصی استان هرات است.   
روش: این پژوهش بر اساس روش توصیفی پیمایشی  و بر اساس هدف کاربردی است. جامعه آماری پژوهش شامل مدیران دانشگاه­های خصوصی استان هرات  است که 360 نفر از بین 714 نفر با استفاده از نمونه­گیری تصادفی طبقه­ای متناسب با حجم، انتخاب شدند. برای جمع آوری داده­های اولیه از روش پرسشنامه و داده­های ثانویه با روش کتابخانه­ای جمع­آوری گردیده است. این پژوهش شامل چهار متغیر مهربانی­مدیران، شوخ­طبعی مدیران، جذابیت برند کارفرما و کارآفرینی­سازمانی است. به منظور تجزیه و تحلیل داده­ها و پاسخگویی به فرضیه­های پژوهش، از تکنیک تحلیل عاملی تاییدی (CFA) و مدل­سازی معادلات ساختاری (SEM) استفاده شده است. بدین منظور از نرم افزار Amos24 مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است.
یافته­ها: نتایج این پژوهش نشان داد که تأثیر مهربانی مدیران با ضریب مسیر  70/0 و شوخ­طبعی مدیران با داشتن ضریب مسیر 33/0 در جذابیت برند کارفرما مورد تائید قرار می­گیرد. نتایج فرضیات سوم و چهارم همچنین نشان می­دهد که مهربانی و شوخ­طبعی مدیران با ضرایب مسیر 015/0 و 03/0 نقش میانجی را در رابطه بین مهربانی و شوخ­طبعی مدیران بر جذابیت برند کارفرما بازی می­کند. بر اساس نتایج آزمون فرضیه­ها مهربانی مدیران (70 درصد) و شوخ­طبعی مدیران (33 درصد) بر جذابیت برند کارفرما تأثیر مستقیم و معنادار دارد و نقش میانجی­گری کارآفرینی سازمانی در تأثیر مهربانی و شوخ­طبعی مدیران برجذابیت برند کارفرما نیز مورد تائید قرار گرفت.
نتیجه­گیری: مهربانی و شوخ­طبعی مدیران و همچنین کارآفرینی سازمانی به عنوان متغییر میانجی، برای موفقیت دانشگاه‌ها نقش مهم و قابل توجهی را ایفا می­نمایند و از طریق این عوامل می‌توان جذابیت برند کارفرما را در این دانشگاه­ها بهبود بخشید. این سه متغیر، جذابیت برند کارفرما را در دانشگاه­های خصوصی استان هرات، در جهت مثبت هدایت می‌کنند. مدل ساختاری به‌دست‌آمده، تأثیر علی مهربانی­مدیران و شوخ­طبعی­مدیران را بر جذابیت برند کارفرمایی دانشگاه‌های خصوصی و بر کارآفرینی سازمانی نشان داد. نتایج پژوهش حاضر در دانشگاه­های استان هرات کاربرد عملی دارد. بنابراین، از منظر عملی، با توجه به یافته‌های پژوهش، و بر اساس تأثیری که کارآفرینی سازمانی بر جذابیت برند کارفرما دارد، دانشگاه‌ها می‌توانند با تدوین برنامه‌های کارآفرین­محور، از روش‌های مشارکت­محور برای همکاری کارآفرینان با یکدیگر استفاده کنند. همچنین با توجه به تأثیر قابلیت نوآوری بر عملکرد فعالیت های دانشگاهی، ایجاد فضای انگیزشی برای نوآوری، ایجاد فرصت برای کارکنان برای ارائه ایده، نادیده گرفتن شکست‌های احتمالی در ارائه نوآوری‌ها و ایجاد فضای دوستانه در محیط کار، می‌تواند قابلیت‌های نوآوری و کارآفرینی را افزایش دهد. در نهایت مهربانی مدیران، شوخ­طبعی مدیران و افزایش توانمندی­های کارآفرینی کارکنان دانشگاه، منجر به ایجاد کسب و کارهای کارآفرین­محور می­شود که ویژگی­های اصلی آن خلاقیت، نوآوری و ارزش­آفرینی و در نتیجه موجب  افزایش جذابیت برند کارفرما در  دانشگاه می‌گردد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

The Impact of Managers' Kindness and Humor on Attractiveness of the Employer Brand with the Mediating Role of Organizational Entrepreneurship

نویسندگان [English]

  • Elham Afsharzada
  • Ali Shaemi Barzoki
  • hadi teimouri
Department of Management, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
چکیده [English]

Objective: The study has been conducted to analyze the impact of kindness and humor of managers on the attractiveness of the employer's brand with the mediating role of organizational entrepreneurship in private universities of Herat Province.
Methodology: The present research is an applied research and descriptive survey. This study was conducted in Herat and statistical population is managers of private universities of Herat Province. 360 people were selected as a sample by stratified sampling. A questionnaire method was used to collect primary data and a library method was used for secondary data. The questionnaire was designed by different studies and also based on the conditions of the study area. This research includes four variables of managers' kindness, managers' humor, employer brand attractiveness and organizational entrepreneurship. In order to analyze the data and to test the research hypotheses, the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) technique and structural equation modeling (SEM) using Amos24 software have been used.
Findings: The results of this study showed that the effect of managers' kindness on employer brand attractiveness with a path coefficient of 0.70 and a managers' humor of 0.33 is confirmed, which indicates that the managers' kindness variable predicts a total of 70% of changes in employer brand attractiveness and managers' humor variable predicts a total of 33% of changes in employer brand attractiveness. The results show that the variable of organizational entrepreneurship with path coefficients of 0.015 and 0.03 and significant coefficients of 0.002 and 0.01, as a mediator in relation between manager's kindness and humor and employer brand attractiveness was confirmed.
 According to the results of the hypotheses analysis, the model is well-fitted and all the hypotheses are confirmed. The results of hypotheses test showed that managers' kindness (70%) and managers' humor (33%) had a direct and significant effect on employer brand attractiveness, and also the organizational entrepreneurship mediation in relation between managers' kindness and humor and employer brand attractiveness was confirmed.
Conclusions: The text discusses the findings of a study that focused on the role of managers' kindness and humor, as well as organizational entrepreneurship, in the success and employer brand attractiveness of private universities. The study found that managers' kindness and humor have a positive causal effect on the employer brand attractiveness of private universities. These two factors guide the employer brand attractiveness in a positive direction. Additionally, the study highlighted the positive impact of managers' kindness and humor on organizational entrepreneurship.The practical implications of the study suggest that universities can enhance their employer brand attractiveness by developing entrepreneur-oriented programs and fostering partnerships among entrepreneurs. Creating an incentive environment for innovation, providing opportunities for employees to present ideas, and fostering a friendly workplace atmosphere can also increase innovation capabilities and employer brand attractiveness effectively. Ultimately, the study concludes that managers' kindness, managers' humor, and improving entrepreneurial capabilities within university staff contribute to the creation of entrepreneurial businesses characterized by creativity, innovation, and value creation, thereby enhancing employer brand attractiveness in universities.
Objective: The study has been conducted to analyze the impact of kindness and humor of managers on the attractiveness of the employer's brand with the mediating role of organizational entrepreneurship in private universities of Herat Province.
Methodology: The present research is an applied research and descriptive survey. This study was conducted in Herat and statistical population is managers of private universities of Herat Province. 360 people were selected as a sample by stratified sampling. A questionnaire method was used to collect primary data and a library method was used for secondary data. The questionnaire was designed by different studies and also based on the conditions of the study area. This research includes four variables of managers' kindness, managers' humor, employer brand attractiveness and organizational entrepreneurship. In order to analyze the data and to test the research hypotheses, the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) technique and structural equation modeling (SEM) using Amos24 software have been used.
Findings: The results of this study showed that the effect of managers' kindness on employer brand attractiveness with a path coefficient of 0.70 and a managers' humor of 0.33 is confirmed, which indicates that the managers' kindness variable predicts a total of 70% of changes in employer brand attractiveness and managers' humor variable predicts a total of 33% of changes in employer brand attractiveness. The results show that the variable of organizational entrepreneurship with path coefficients of 0.015 and 0.03 and significant coefficients of 0.002 and 0.01, as a mediator in relation between manager's kindness and humor and employer brand attractiveness was confirmed.
 According to the results of the hypotheses analysis, the model is well-fitted and all the hypotheses are confirmed. The results of hypotheses test showed that managers' kindness (70%) and managers' humor (33%) had a direct and significant effect on employer brand attractiveness, and also the organizational entrepreneurship mediation in relation between managers' kindness and humor and employer brand attractiveness was confirmed.
Conclusions: The text discusses the findings of a study that focused on the role of managers' kindness and humor, as well as organizational entrepreneurship, in the success and employer brand attractiveness of private universities. The study found that managers' kindness and humor have a positive causal effect on the employer brand attractiveness of private universities. These two factors guide the employer brand attractiveness in a positive direction. Additionally, the study highlighted the positive impact of managers' kindness and humor on organizational entrepreneurship.The practical implications of the study suggest that universities can enhance their employer brand attractiveness by developing entrepreneur-oriented programs and fostering partnerships among entrepreneurs. Creating an incentive environment for innovation, providing opportunities for employees to present ideas, and fostering a friendly workplace atmosphere can also increase innovation capabilities and employer brand attractiveness effectively. Ultimately, the study concludes that managers' kindness, managers' humor, and improving entrepreneurial capabilities within university staff contribute to the creation of entrepreneurial businesses characterized by creativity, innovation, and value creation, thereby enhancing employer brand attractiveness in universities.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Attractiveness of the employer brand
  • Managers' kindness
  • Managers' humor
  • Organizational entrepreneurship
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