Effective Causes in Transferring Intention to Action in Entrepreneurial Value Creation

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study is to discover factors that affect the transformation of entrepreneurial intention to action in value creation. In this article, the construct of the entrepreneurial propensity for market analysis (EPMA)(Emami and Klein, 2020) is used as the mediator between value creation intention and action. The role of action, as the consequence of this construct and its driving factors, as its causes, have been conceptualized in this article. The relationships between the consequences and the causes have been investigated using structural equation modeling (SEM). This study uses a longitudinal survey method and the samples of entrepreneurs in this research are individuals from science and technology parks in Iran. Results indicate that the entrepreneur’s attitude towards value creation and self-efficacy has a significant effect on the action; however, social norms, as the prerequisite of intention, do not affect action. As a result, the impact of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on the perceptions of planned behaviors (intention and action) is greater than EPMA.


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