value cocreation in retail platforms: the mediating role of relationship quality theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc. Student, Department of Corporate Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Entrepreneurship college

3 Department of Corporate Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Prof, Department of Business Creation, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



Objective: To achieve the full potential of digital transformation, retail companies must use digital platforms to drive significant innovation in the retail industry. Millions of people participate in retail platforms. But a holistic model that explains the formation of consumer value co-creation intentions in such platforms is less available. Considerable research points to the proactive roles consumers play in the creation of value for companies. The concept of co-creation was an extension of the idea. Developed by researchers interested in user driven product innovation. As the co-creation efforts they studied demonstrated impressive increases in value, the phenomenon garnered considerable attention outside the innovation field in which it spread to marketing and, more recently, to branding. In the case of branding, co-creation expands to embrace other stakeholders than consumers. Merz and Vargo, Christodoulides and Gregory have all equated co-creation with the era of stakeholder-focused branding, with Merz and Vargo calling co-creation ‘a new brand logic’. Meanwhile, Ind and Bjerke defined stakeholder participation in brand co-creation as an issue of brand governance, largely because it implies that organizations share control over their brands with stakeholders. These studies indicate that co-creation resonates with an ever-increasing number of scholars who take the view that brand meaning and value(s) emerge from stakeholder engagement with a company. However, in spite of the importance these researchers place on considering all stakeholders to be co-creators, the only stakeholder groups branding researchers have empirically examined thus far have been consumers and marketers. Thus, the work of describing how brands are co-created with their stakeholders has barely begun. The purpose of this study was to develop and test a holistic model that explains the formation of customers' value co-creation intentions in Iranian retail platforms.
Method: Since these indicators have a large measurement error, using a conventional regression model may lead to an estimation error. As a result, the structural equation approach, which is able to process measurement errors in addition to determining the structural relationships between hidden variables, is a more suitable option for the present study. Therefore, in order to analyze the data, Smart PLS software and the method of structural equations were chosen.
Results: Relying on the relationship quality theory literature, value co-creation literature and relationship marketing literature, we proposed a theoretical model that explains the formation of customers' value co-creation intentions. We analyzed empirical data collected from 101 customers on the Digikala platform using structural equation modeling and confirmed 7 out of 10 hypotheses.
Conclusion: The results show that in retail platform, trust and satisfaction influence value co-creation intentions, however, commitment does not influence value co-creation intentions. Our study contributes to the sharing economy literature by providing a comprehensive model of the antecedents of consumers' value co-creation intentions.


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