Identifying the Factors Influencing the Selection of Coaching Style by Managers of Fast-Growing Businesses

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Business Creation, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Entrepreneurship Development, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Being faced with a complex and uncertain business environment today, directors of enterprises, should, in addition to their struggle for the organization's survival, have the capability to pave the grounds for development and growth. Coaching is deemed a factor to facilitate the capacity for growth. From this angle, the objective of this research is to identify a framework for selecting a coaching style by managers of rapid growth businesses. This investigation is considered applied in terms of purpose in which a multiple case study method has been used with regard to the exploratory nature of research. In order to provide a conceptual framework,  interviews have been carried out with 19 directors in a semi-structured arrangement and then the findings analysis has been coded in three stages. The findings illustrate that the managers choose their business coaching style based on contingency approach and the conceptual framework has been designed with respect to the goal, style and environmental conditions. The aim of coaching style is to bring about changes in the learner at the three levels knowledge, attitude, and behavior. To this end, the managers will apply challenging, exploratory, empowering and awareness-raising coaching styles. The factors affecting the choice of coaching style can be classified into 4 dimensions: coach, learner(student), coach-leaner relationship and organization. As such, the managers may choose their coaching styles with a view to a number of factors and components which, inter alia, include: the learner's agile learning process, level of trust between instructor-student, organizational characteristics and dynamism of a manager


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