Identification of Entrepreneurship Teaching Methods in Affective Domain of Learning Through Edutainment Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A Graduate in Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran


Considering the undeniable role of education in the development of societies, identifying educational methods is a worthwhile topic. The principal objective of this research is to identify the methods of entrepreneurial teaching in affective learning domain using the "Edutainment" approach. The affective domain is mentioned in Bloom's learning taxonomy (1956) beside cognitive and psycho-motor domains. In this study, which is conducted using a qualitative method, the experiences of 13 of the experts in the field of education and entrepreneurship has been documented through semi-structured interviews and the coding method has been used for analyzing the experiences. The results indicate that teachers employ 4 accordant methods with the Edutainment approach for teaching entrepreneurship in the affective learning domain of students which are guest lecturer, educational workshop, role-playing and field trips. Recognizing these entrepreneurial teaching methods can aid both entrepreneurship tutors and educational policy makers in formulation and preparation of entrepreneurship lesson plans and curriculum.


Main Subjects

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