Examining the effect of spiritual intelligence on entrepreneurial passion with mediating role of ideal entrepreneurial identity (Case of Tehran science and technology parks)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran

2 PhD Student, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran


Entrepreneurial passion has been shown to have important effect on starting and persistence of entrepreneurial behavior, however its causes has not yet been studied. This paper is aimed at investigating the effect of SQ on three types of passion including passion for inventing, founding and developing with the mediating role of ideal entrepreneurial identity centrality. This descriptive survey was conducted using the random sampling on 120 entrepreneurs of Tehran science and technology parks. The sample size have been calculated using Krejcie and Morgan table and 95 valid questionnaire were collected. Hypothesis testing were carried out through structural equation modeling using SmartPLS software. The results confirmed the effects of entrepreneur's SQ on entrepreneurial passion and the mediating role of ideal identity centrality in the relationship between SQ, inventing and developing passion.



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