The role of entrepreneurial thinking on the growth strategies in small and medium size entrprises

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran


Sarasvathy has mentioned two logics for entrepreneurial thinking. Effectuation logic, is often used in uncertainty and is the problem solving process in a condition in which future is practically unpredictable and decision makers, based on whatever means they possess, form or control the output. On the contrary, causation logic is often used for decision making in ordinary conditions in which there is either no or low uncertainty. The objective of this research is the recognition of the role of entrepreneurial thinking on growth strategies in small and medium size businesses. The paper applies a mixed-explaratory research methodology and the sample under scrutiny is 67 small-business strategists who have been selected based on targeted statistical sampling by the use of snowball sampling according to their expertise. The data in quality section has been gathered by the use of 8 semi-structured interviews. In the quantity section the data has been collected by the combination of the questionnaire resulted from the quality section and Chandler questionnaire. The results generally indicate the existence of a meaningful correlation between entrepreneurial thinking and growth strategies. about effectual and causal thinking, similar results were obtained. There is a meaningful relation between aspects of effectual thinking -except for affordable loss- and growth strategies as well. Nevertheless, the correlation coefficient of the aspects of flexibility and experience is lower than other meaningful aspects of effectual thinking.


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