The effect of psychological empowerment on the corporate entrepreneurship in Iran and Denmark; Based on 2011 GEM data

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Master of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Iran


Corporate entrepreneurship is a process of discovery, evaluation and exploitation of new business opportunities within a company or organization to create new products and services. Therefore, the staff psychological empowerment is one of the most important concerns for successful organizations. This study can be considered an applied research based on its goal and data collection is descriptive. The statistical population of this research was composed of 5360 people from Irannian and Danish firms. Finally, the sample of this research consisted of 509 corporate entrepreneurs in the year 2011 based on the GEM in the two countries of Iran and Denmark with corresponding factors and innovation-driven economies. Method collection is structured interview. The results have shown that the psychological empowerment including influence, meaning, self-determination and competency has a positive effect on corporate entrepreneurial roles and also entrepreneurial competency moderates the relationship between psychologicalempowerment and corporate entrepreneurial roles. Culture, age, gender and education are discussed as control variables in this model.


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