The Effect of Organizational Ambidexterity on Strategic Entrepreneurship

Document Type : Research Paper


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of organizational ambidexterity on strategic entrepreneurship in software companies. Therefore we examined the ambidexterity with two dimensions i.e. exploration and exploitation as an independent variable and strategic entrepreneurship with four dimensions i.e. entrepreneurial mindset, innovation, managing resources strategically and competitive advantage as the dependent variable. The research methodology is based on structural equation modeling. We use a questionnaire with 22 questions that 97 firms answered it. To measure the validity and reliability we used convergent and divergent validity and Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability respectively. Data analysis has performed by using SmartPLS3. The results show that ambidexterity has a positive and significant effect on strategic entrepreneurship. So we can conclude focus on improving ambidexterity can lead to development and promotion of strategic entrepreneurship.


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